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How to prevent age spots
  Thank you for trust and support of Qingdao China Korean orthopedics hairdressing hospital !
  Prevention of senile plaques, we must first little sun, appropriate physical activity, avoid prolonged sun exposure and abnormal stimuli can be applied sunscreen sunscreen to reduce skin irritation on the face, if there is a rash, do not scratch easily by hand , so more will increase the growth of senile plaques. To prevent the formation of senile plaques, it is best to adjust the fat content of the diet, so that the body fat of total calorie intake accounted for 25% to 50% more appropriate. May properly take some anti-aging medicine, such as ginseng, astragalus, ganoderma lucidum, Tremella, hawthorn, etc., long-term use, to curb and eliminate age spots have a certain effect.

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