您现在所在的位置:首页>整形美容问答> 牙齿问答 > I would like to ask please periodontal disease can be cured
I would like to ask please periodontal disease can be cured
  Thank you for trust and support of Qingdao China Korean orthopedics hairdressing hospital!

  Of course, periodontal disease can be cured. Periodontal disease can not be cured, related to the standard cure for hypertrophic marginal gingivitis and gingivitis, as long as there is no systemic factors, such as pregnancy, diabetes, is fully cured. Through the elimination of plaque, calculus and other local stimuli or with appropriate medication, inflammation subsided, and bleeding stopped, the shape of the gums back to normal shape, and often maintain oral hygiene, gingivitis will completely cured. If several adjacent teeth loose, you can use splints fixation, strong adjacent teeth; If the root exposure, and the adjacent teeth Zhou Jiankang who can effect transposition flap coverage of gingival root surfaces, to receive more good results.


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